Thursday, January 25, 2007

Upcoming Events

Here is some information on some upcoming shows and events:

The Washington DC Counter Culture Festival (the sale) will start at 4 at Dr. Dremo’s. This event is free.

Flux: An Art Sensory Overload (the show) will start at 5:30 at the Danville Auto Shop. There is a suggested donation of $5 at the door for this event. Here is the info from the website:

In the metaphorical sea of urban America, artists have been drifting away with the tide, as sterile office buildings and chain franchises sail in and the rents skyrocket. In the latest area to fall victim to such conformity, Arlington’s Clarendon neighborhood, the Art Outlet is partnering with Walnut Street Development,, Arlington Independent Media (AIM) and DC Conspiracy to cast the large anchor with its “Flux: An Art Sensory Overload” from 5:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Saturday, January 27, at the Danville Body Shop, 1415 N. Danville Street in Arlington, VA 22201.

There will be live bands and lots of other entertainment at both events. Both events are metro accessible (Dr. Dremo’s is closer to Courthouse and the Danville Auto Shop is between Courthouse and Clarendon stops).

Hope to see you there!